Avon: Oh dear, there appear to be lots of Federation ships here already.
Blake: I don't care, I'm going down to the planet.
Avon: And an uncurable plague...
Blake: I don't care, I'm going down to the planet.
Avon: And hideous levels of radiation and toxic gas...
Blake: I don't care, I'm going down to the planet.
Avon: And a Death Star...
Blake: I don't care, I'm going down to the planet.
Avon: And Sauron and an undead army of mutant zombies...
Blake: I don't care, I'm going down to the planet.
Avon: Look, it's a flyer for Rebelcon IV. It says you're going to be autographing in the main hall from 11 to 2.
Blake: Jenna, take us out!
(с) Hostage ep. discussion